Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Damn I got a ticket.... or maybe not

This lovely event happened a few weeks ago....

Picture the scene.... we have an away match in Charleston over the Labor Day Weekend, the last 3 day weekend of the year so naturally quite a few of us are planning on staying as long as possible. I have 4 people that I am meeting after work on Friday and we are planning on loading all 5 of us into Dozer (my trucks name) and make the 5 hour drive on Friday night so we can have all day Saturday and most of Sunday to play in Charleston and then I get to use Monday as my recovery day. Brilliant! What I wasn't expecting was my boss holding me up at work so I didn't leave the office until 6:30 which coincidentally was the same time I was supposed to be picking up my buddies across town. Damn the white devil.

Let me take one second to explain that I HATE being late and I hate it even more when I am the reason that a plan is not working out and other people are affected by my tardiness. That's boo.

So as I am heading to the car I am calling Deuce to explain what's going on (all 4 of my teammates are there and waiting... ggrrrr) and I jump in the car and attempt to haul ass from work into Cary. Naturally, this being the begining of a holiday weekend the cops are out in force but I am so upset about being late that I don't consider this and naturally I get tagged by a cop who wastes no time in turing on the blue lights and chasing me down. Damn it! These guys are never quick with a ticket now I am going to be really late.

Here is where I mention that Cary is full of uptight yuppie assholes and I hate them all. They all drive big SUV's and have this "holier than thou and just get the hell out of my way" attitude. They are all tools.

So there I sit, cursing my own stupidity and trying to come up with a good reason for doing 75 in a 65 zone when it happened... one of the yuppies saved my ass. You guessed it.... one of those tools I just described must have figured the cop that got me was too far into the process to worry about other vehicles and no lie breezed by us at what sounded like 90mph. I look up into my rearview mirror and see the cop weigh his choices, he can either continue on with my little 10 over ticket or go catch this Hummer that just made his hat fly off. He gives me a glance, grins at me and gets back in his car and tears off after the H3. What just happened here?? I sit there another few seconds, process this crazy turn of events, thank the god of stupid yuppie people for sending one of them down 440 at that precise moment and proceed to meet my crew to start a fun weekend sans ticket. YES!!

PS: as I was driving towards me destination I passed the pulled Hummer and my cop friend and I waved and yelled thank you out of my window but I have no idea if he heard me or not.

1 comment:

Mandy Leigh said...

you, my sister meeghan, are a great story teller! i love the nicknames and adjetives you put on things.