Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Be As You Are

BE AS YOU ARE ... This is a phrase that I found and am striving to use as my life "theme" I originally heard this line in a song written by Kenny Chesney and I quickly fell in heart with the message of that song... so much so that I have a bracelet and a tattoo that serve as daily reminders of this idea.

The Man... Kenny Chesney. His new album "Lucky Old Sun" drops on 10-14-08

A lot of people look at me and assume that "Be As You Are" is about accepting yourself for who you are and not caring what anyone else says and I agree with that thought and believe people do need to be more accepting of themselves in order to be happier in their day to day lives, but for me Be As You Are is about something completely different. Its about the Islands and living an island life. Its about finding a place in the world where the clock really and truly doesn't matter and there is no stress in life. Its the idea that one day my life will be un-complicated enough to actually live this mantra that keeps me going. All I want in life is "a towel on a chair in the sand by the sea" along with a hammock between two palm trees, a few good books, my ipod and naturally a bottomless drink. I am so focused on this dream that I have formulated a 5 year plan and by the end of my time frame if I stay on track I will have enough saved up to sell the house, tell the boss to stick it and move to the Virgin Islands. Why there? well aside from it being a US territory (therefore no Visa, passport or citizenship issues to deal with) it is also one of the most beautiful and peaceful places I have seen (although I will admit that is all through pictures) People have told me that I will become bored with this slow existence or that living in the islands won't work because I won't get along with the locals (I mean really.... I don't know that many people I can't get along with) but I say bring it on. I am going to one day live my dream and have my own spot on the beach where I wake up to the sound of the tide coming in and the wind shaking coconuts out of the trees. I'll have friends come to visit for weeks at a time and we'll retell stories about our rugby playing days and the shenanigans we got into off the pitch. I'll have the family down for the holiday season and watch my nieces & nephews play in the waves. When I am on my own I'll be able to relax and swing in the hammock until after sunset. Its going to be a glorious time.


Unknown said...

well if you get that place on the beach make sure they have a place for us older people. LOL

Mandy Leigh said...

now that a GREAT 5 year plan!