Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bitter... Party of one

It is official. I work for the most uncooperative, least self-sufficient and demanding employer in the entire world. I have been denied vacation time AGAIN! Here's how it all went down.....

I want to go to the USA 7's tournament held in San Diego over Valentines weekend. I know a ton of people who are going to watch and actually have two buddies who made the US Women's squad (Congrats again to SBJ and Beth Black) So I turned in a vacation request that would have me out of the office on Friday and Monday, giving me a 4 day weekend so I could partake in the festivities. I turned in my request yesterday morning which is a month in advance and I assume he will read it, think it over and give me an answer some time this week. I was unprepared for the quick decision that followed.... my boss came in my office yesterday around 5pm, sat down, shook his head and said "this is not a good situation" I am then told that since HE is going to be in Raleigh on both of those days I can't have my time off because he can't be alone in the office during the work week. Seriously? Are you completely dependant upon me? This is a load of crap. I shouldn't even have to ask permission. I should be able to say, hey I am heading to San Diego for a 4 day weekend in mid February, this is your notice. Let me know what has to be completed before I leave so you are prepared for my 2 day absence. Unfortunately it doesn't work like that here in hell.

This is the part where I acknowledge the fact that I am not a victim. I understand that he has been this way since I started working here and since I am voluntarily still employed I am now a willing participant in my own demise. Why am I still here in this shit job you ask? easy.... the money. No other reason. I would like you to understand that I do not regret not attending college (no I am not actually UNC, UVA or NCSU alumni but I have been invited to several of their alumni activities) but since I don't have a piece of paper that says I am qualified to do what I do my current pay scale is not what I would start out making if I switched jobs. I am now far too comfortable in my lifestyle to go back to working 2 jobs or needing a roommate to make the mortgage payment. (wanting and needing are two VERY different things) So I stay and deal with his behavior which becomes more controlling and erratic when things are not going his way... like when multi-million dollar apartment complex deals fall apart just before closing which is exactly what happened two weeks ago and which was the catalyst for his current grumpy / overly micro-managing condition. Thanks Wells Fargo.

I really don't know exactly what I planned to accomplish by writing all this. I still have my "people pleaser" personality flaw which will not allow me to crack and tell my boss exactly what I think of him and his screwed up sense of reality, I still won't be at USA 7's in February and I will still have to deal with varying degrees of crazy on a daily basis. I am not looking for pity or condolences or trying to fish for compliments (although those are always nice) I guess I am just hitting my frustration limit and needed to vent my complaints. Most of the folks who would even take the time to read this know me pretty well and I hope you will understand that I am still trying to be the positive kid you are used to having show up.... its just going to be a little harder for a while.